Tuesday, February 24, 2009

24-02-111YC - Reawakening

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I think I will continue from where I left this yesterday...

After my meeting with Tiyran I went back to the room that had been given to me for the night.

This so called "room" was infact the entire top level of the local cities most prestigious hotel.

Sometimes I fail to understand these people.

Yes I am a Capsuleer.
Yes I have more ISK than these people are likely to aquire in three lifetimes.
Yes I hold the power to devestate entire planets and colonies

But I am still human.
More to the point.

I am god's man once again.

....a long drawn out sigh....

"God’s compassion is all encompassing; His vengeance, all consuming."

- Grand Admiral Sundara The Kor-Azor charge. YC 110.6.10

Those are the words that are now emblazoned on my personal crest and are engraved onto the hull of every ship I own.

During my stay with my family, my grandfather took me aside into his private chambers.

There he showed me my families history, such as it was.
He spoke to me about everything that had happened since I was last admitted entry to the family residence.
He forgave me.
Everything I did, all the heresy that I created.
He forgave me.

He said it was god's test.
The test of a Paladin.

He said I had passed.
He said that I was now free to become the man I was born to be.
A god among stars.
The Blade of Righteousness
The Sword of Truth.

I am Reborn.

It was this event that changed my perspective on life.
he opened my eyes, but showed me more than just the usual drible of the Priests.

He showed me Amarr as it truly should be.
What it CAN be.

My Faith will be strong.

I am Reborn.

Computer, save recording and store in personal files.
Then Initiate shutdown

Initiative Autherised.
File Saved.

Shutdown Initiated

Security Locks Activated.
Defense Systems Online.

Power Down in 3.. 2.. 1..

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