Monday, January 19, 2009

19-1-111YC - Indescision

Math'ra stalks into his cabin and slumps down on his couch in his spaceitious apartment.

Putting his hands to head and looking at the floor he sits there. Still and Silent for what seemes like hours before he begins to sob softly, crying into his own arms as the stress and tension come pouring out like rain off of ships hull.

After a few minutes he sits back up looking drained and empty, raising his hands to look at them as if they belonged to someone else.

Beginning to speak, but with no-one but the blinking computer listening he starts to speak

"Why was I so careless... why why why!




This isn't going to do anything but get me kicked out of this home as well."

as Math'ra's tirade finishes he turns to look at the holo of his beloved ship..

thinking about Apocalypse Navy Issue that had, not 24 hours previously been turned into just so much slag during a routine raid on some Rogue Drones, when things had turned extremely ugly.

starting to talk again, and again the computer in the corner blinks as it begins to record again.

"All her crew... All those devoted to me... They would have followed me anywhere, and done anything I would have ever asked...

And this is how they end up, torn corpses for drones to pick over... denied even a proper burial on the planet they all came from.

*elongated sigh*

I HATE drones... unfeeling pieces of compiled slag, with no rational thoughts...

But then why is it that these Sansha's men and women that I know don't bother me?

Especially Zegerth Kelja...

I mean, with that creepy device she has, and the incredible thing that she caries about...

Argh! I don't know any more...

Then there was Vaden Khale...
The Sani-Sabik man...
The blood-drinker...

I don't know anymore...

The Last Gate has really been more of an education in the rest of New Eden than any of my work with the Imperial Navy..."

Math'ra seems to shudder slightly at the mention of the Navy

"No, that is done and gone.

I'm not subject to them anymore, I forge my own path.

But where does that lead...?"

Math'ra shakes his head as he gets up from where he was sitting and looks over at the computer.

"Computer, stop recording and file in personal. Then activate shutdown."

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